
Joining The Flying Pilgrims

Joining the flying pilgrims open to anyone and easy.  Individuals wishing to become a members must complete a membership information form, provide AMA membership information, and pay club membership dues.  The FAA also requires operators of unmanned aircraft systems to be registered.  Members are expected to know and follow the RC model rules and guidelines defined by the Club, AMA, FAA, and the FAA Airspace Authorization.  These rules are available online and are posted at the airfield.  A visit to the flying field or membership meeting is also suggested.

Academy of Model Aeronautics (AMA)

Membership in the AMA has several benefits for the individual and model flying clubs.   The biggest benefit is insurance coverage for model operation conducted within the AMA guidelines.  Membership also provides the individual with other resources such as a subscription to Model Aviation Magazine.

Submitting Membership Forms and Dues

Prospective members can submit their membership form and dues in a few ways.  If they attend a meeting, one of the club officers (usually the treasurer) can accept their membership information and process it.  Alternatively, they can send their membership information to our Treasurer.  Include proof of AMA membership, a self-addressed and stamped envelope, dues, and membership form in a letter to the address indicated on the member information form.  A prospective member may be able to connect with the club treasurer at the field.


Download the membership information from using this link – Flying_Pilgrims_Membership (members agree to abide by the rules and guidelines within the Letter of Agreement between Willow Run and Flying Pilgrims)

FAA Form 7711-1 Airspace Authorization 2024 (PDF of the Airspace Authorization for Flying Pilgrims Field)

Academy of Model Aeronautics (AMA) (link to external site)

FAA Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) Informational Website (link to external site)